Literacy Essentials and Plato’s Gorgias: Part 2

A mosaic showing Plato and other Greek philosophers gathered near a tree.

Last week we examined Literacy Essentials from the macro level and saw how speech grounds every level of human reality. We considered the question of those who threaten our use of language and what purposes they might have.  

In Plato’s dialogue Gorgias, Socrates engages in discussion with a sophist named Gorgias. In ancient Athens, the sophists were teachers of rhetoric, philosophy, mathematics, music, and gymnastics.…

Literacy Essentials and Plato’s Gorgias: Part 1

A student points at numbers on his sheet of lined orthography paper.

A few weeks ago, I started a job up at Hillsdale College as a Classical Pedagogy Trainer. As a CPT, I will support classical pedagogy in classrooms at Hillsdale Member K-12 Schools. My background is largely in the Upper School, teaching subjects from 6th to 12th Grade — 6th Grade History, 9th Grade Literature and Trivium, and 12th Grade “Integrated Humanities” particularly at my previous role at Valor South Austin.…

Equipping Teachers from the Start!

Teachers in a classroom listen intently to a presenter.

“Back-to-school” is plastered on every billboard, commercial, and email we see and read just as the last firework explodes on the Fourth of July. The phrase brings back memories of my school uniform and wandering around the house looking for my backpack which had been discarded sometime in mid-June between the garage and my bedroom. My middle sister enjoyed school supply shopping and I looked forward to regular sports practice and competition.…